Website News

Falcons Take Both Matches

by Administrator on September 27, 2023

JV W 3-0.  Mitchy with the game winner assisted by Dilly.  Linc & Payt with G’s.  Sam & Koy with A’s.

Varsity W 1-0 v Waynesville.  Captain Spiv with the game winner from Captain Lando.

Media:  O-Zone Video     Missouri Soccer Power Rankings

Today:  JV W 9-1 v Lighthouse Christian.

Thursday:  Kickapoo Shootout  6:00pm v Jackson.

Friday:  3:00pm v LSW.

Saturday:  10:00am v St. Thomas Aquinas.

All games will be played in pooville.


Week Ahead

by Administrator on September 24, 2023

Monday:  Both teams off.

Tuesday:  Ozark Conference match v Waynesville in the stadium.  JV whistle at 5:30pm followed by the Varsity game.

Wednesday:  JV will play Lighthouse Christian in the stadium at 6:00pm.

Thursday:  Kickapoo Shootout  6:00pm v Jackson.

Friday:  3:00pm v LSW.

Saturday:  10:00am v St. Thomas Aquinas.

All games will be played in pooville.


Saturdays Are For The Boys

by Administrator on September 22, 2023

JV W 1-0.  KruseM with the game winner assisted by DKruse.

V L 2-3 v Ozark.  Spiv from CarsT & Raul from Mish.



Falcons Take Both

by Administrator on September 22, 2023

JV W 5-0.

Varsity W 2-1 v Catholic.  I-Chan from CarsT.  RAUL with the game winner assisted by Nathan.

Media:  CRW Photos


Falcons Take Both In Zizzerland

by Administrator on September 20, 2023

JV W 4-0.  Grays, KruseM & Linc with G’s.  CashV with 2A’s & Log with an A.

Varsity W 8-0 v West Plains.  Spiv with the Brace, Mish 1G/2A, I-Chan 1G/1A, Brando 1G/1A, OHStevenMeneses 1G/1A, Alejo & Nathan with Goal.  CarsT with 2A’s & Raul & TThomp with an assist.

Wednesday:  Training in the stadium from 5:30-7:00pm.

Thursday:  tba

Friday:  JV at 5:00pm followed by the Varsity match v Catholic.

Saturday:  JV whistle at 10:00am followed by Varsity v Ozark.


Week Ahead

by Administrator on September 17, 2023

Monday:  Training in the stadium form 5-6:30pm.

Tuesday:  Players will be dismissed at 1:30pm with bus departing at 2:00 for West Plains.  JV whistle at 5:00 followed by the Varsity v the Zizzers.

Wednesday:  Training in the stadium from 5:30-7:00pm.

Thursday:  tba

Friday:  JV at 5:00pm followed by the Varsity match v Catholic.

Saturday:  JV whistle at 10:00am followed by Varsity v Ozark.


Falcons Deliver Rogers 600th Win

by Administrator on September 13, 2023

Varsity W 4-1 v Parkview earning Coach Rogers his 6ooth  win for the boys program.  Spiv with the game winner, Mish with the Brace/1A, I-Chan with a goal and CarsT & Lando with assist.

Today:  Training from 5:00-6:30pm.

Thursday:  Training from 3:30-4:30pm.

7:00pm Homecoming Football Game.

Friday:  tba