Falcons Shock Bulldogs

by Administrator on May 18, 2006

Rolla Bulldogs

The Falcons (13-9-1) upset the #14 Rolla Bulldogs (19-2-3), 3-2 on penalty kicks, to claim the District 11 championship.
Match Stats: Lauren Bettlach (1G), Lorin Opfer (1G/1A).
Penalty Kicks: Lauren Bettlach, Mindy Neal, Megan Garrad, Lou Opfer.

On Tuesday, May 23, the Falcons will play a sectional match on Cooper 1 at 7:00pm against the winner of the Joplin vs. Kickapoo District 12 championship match will take place on Friday in Joplin.

SGFsoccer has already posted a brief story about the match:

“On first blush this ranks as the biggest upset I can recall in the Ozarks region in my four years of attending and covering matches.”

One more thing…

Can Lady Bulldogs win ninth straight district championship?

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jeremy November 8, 2006 at 11:09 am

Rogers and Co. is once again putting us on the map as a soccer powerhouse!


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