Website News

Week Ahead

by Administrator on September 10, 2023

Monday:  JV will have a recovery day from 3:30-5:00pm.  Varsity off.

Tuesday:  Ozark Conference game v Parkview.  JV will play a half starting at 5:30pm followed by the Varsity game.

Wednesday:  Training for both teams in the stadium from 5:30-7:00pm.

Thursday:  Training after school from 3:30pm – 4:30pm.  7:00pm Homecoming Football Game.

Friday:  tba


Falcons Take Both

by Administrator on September 7, 2023

JV W 5-0.  Grays with the Hat +1, KruseM with 1G/1A, Maximus 1A, DillyM 1A & DillyKruse 2A’s.

W 2-0 v Rolla.  Captain Mish with the Brace, Steveo with an assist.

W 3-0 v Joplin.  I-Chan with the Brace/1A, CarsT with a goal & Mish with an assist.

L 1-3 v Carthage.  Spiv with the lone goal assisted by Mish.

Carthage JV tourney

W 3-0 v the Tigers.

L 0-1 v Oz & W 2-1 v poo.



Falcons Win Southside Trophy

by Administrator on September 6, 2023

JV L 3-4.  KruseM, CashV & DKruse with goals.  Peyt with an assist.

Varsity W 3-2 (2OT) v poo.  CarsT with the game winner, Mish 1G/2A’s, Alejo 1G.  Raul & I-Chan with assists.

Media:  Southside Showdown   O-Zone Pics





Today:  JV will train from 6:00-7:00pm.  Varsity:  6:00pm Harper’s signing celebration at the Barley House.

Thursday:  Players will be dismissed at 1:30pm with bus departing at 2:00pm for Rolla.  JV whistle at 5:00pm followed by varsity game v the Bulldogs.

Friday:  Varsity in Viking Showdown.

11:00am v Joplin.

3:00pm v Carthage.

Junior Varsity will be dismissed at 12:30pm and depart at 1:00pm for the Carthage JV tourney.

3:30pm kickoff v the Tigers.

Saturday:  Game times & opponents will be based on Friday’s results.


Glendale v Kickapoo

by Administrator on September 5, 2023

Tonight we celebrate 40 years of SPS boys soccer.

JV will kickoff at 5:30pm followed by the Varsity match v poo.



Busy Week Ahead

by Administrator on September 3, 2023

Monday:  Training for both teams in the stadium from 9-10:30am.

Tuesday:  Southside Showdown!  JV will kickoff at 5:30pm followed by the Varsity match v Kickapoo.









Wednesday:  JV will train from 5:30-6:30pm.  Varsity:  tba

Thursday:  Players will be dismissed at 1:30pm with bus departing at 2:00pm for Rolla.  JV whistle at 5:00pm followed by varsity game v the Bulldogs.

Friday:  Varsity in Viking Showdown.

11:00am v Joplin.

3:00pm v Carthage.

Junior Varsity will be dismissed at 12:30pm and depart at 1:00pm for the Carthage JV tourney.

3:30pm kickoff v the Tigers.

Saturday:  Game times & opponents will be based on Friday’s results.


The Lou

by Administrator on August 31, 2023

L 0-2 v Vianney.

L 0-3 v SLUH.


Falcons Take Both

by Administrator on August 29, 2023

JV W 8-0.  Maximus with the game winner assisted by DillyMo, DillyMo from Hutch, Grays from Kruse, Maximus from Peyt, Kruse x2 from Maximus x2, Memphis with a G & Grays from Dilly.

Varsity W 8-0 v Lebanon.  Captain Spiv with the game winner +1A, Captain Mish with the Brace, Raul with the Brace, Joe with the Brace, CarsT with 1G/2A’s, Captain Lando with 2 A’s, Alejo with 2A’s.  Jacks & I-Chan with an assist.

Wednesday:  Training in the stadium from 5:30-7:00pm.

Thursday:  Training in the stadium from 5:00-6:30pm.

Friday:  JV (tba).  Varsity will depart at 9:00am for a 3:45pm whistle at Vianney v the Golden Griffins.

Saturday:  10:00am kickoff v Jr. Bills at SLUH.