Catching Greased Lightning

by Administrator on April 17, 2007

Rocky Balboa chasing A Chicken

I’ve always loved the scene in Rocky II where Mickey makes Rocky chase a chicken to work on his speed.

Mickey: Now here’s what I want you to do – I want you to chase this little chicken.
Rocky Balboa: Hey yo, Mick, what do I got to chase a chicken for?
Mickey: First, because I said so. And second, is because chicken-chasing is how we used to train back in the old days. If you can catch this thing, you can catch greased lighting.
Rocky Balboa: Well, I’ll do it if you say so, but it ain’t very mature.
Mickey: Yeah, well NEITHER ARE YOU, very mature!

It turns out that Mickey’s “old school” approach may have some merit. This lengthy, but entertaining piece from ESPN Magazine, talks about why these kids from a small area in Florida are incredibly fast. The answer: bopping rabbits in Muck City.

Little Bunny Fru-Fru is now stuck in my head.

Coach Rogers is a Florida guy and we have the swamp (football practice field) out behind the school. With a little more water and some sugar cane we ought to be able to build a first class speed development program.

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